Postback macros
Postback links are the links to pass conversion information to partners. You can update conversion types postbacks and client postbacks with the Attribution macros.
The macros for these postbacks are the same as the parameters above, for example {affise_ad}, {clickid}, {pid}, etc.
Also, there are some additional macros you can use in a postback.
{event_name} | Event name from the Affise SDK |
{action_timestamp} or {event_timestamp} | Time of an event |
{ip} | ipv4 / ipv6 address |
{country} | Click country |
{region} | Click region |
{city} | Click city |
{timestamp} or {click_timestamp} | Time of a click |
{app_id} | Application ID on Affise |
{app_name} | Application name |
{affise_pkg_app_name} | Application package name |
{random_user_id} | Random user ID in Affise SDK |
{affise_device_id} | Random device ID in Affise SDK |
{timezone} | Timezone (UTC+0400) |
{sn_rev} | Net revenue |
{sg_rev} | Gross revenue |
Postback macros for Facebook integration
There are dedicated postback macros that you can use in the integration with Facebook.
{fb_ad_id} | Facebook Ad ID |
{fb_ad_objective_name} | Facebook Ad Objective Name |
{fb_adgroup_id} | Facebook AdGroup ID |
{fb_adgroup_name} | Facebook AdGroup Name |
{fb_campaign_id} | Facebook Campaign ID |
{fb_campaign_name} | Facebook Campaign Name |
{fb_campaign_group_id} | Facebook Campaign Group ID |
{fb_campaign_group_name} | Facebook Campaign Group Name |
{fb_account_id} | Facebook Account ID |
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].